Events were moving so fast in 1536, and I only realised just how quickly Anne Boleyn fell when I wrote my book “The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown”, and looked at the events day-by-day. Even now, 11 years after I began researching her life, her fall still has a real impact on me.

On 5th May 1536, Queen Anne Boleyn had just fourteen days to live and there were eight prisoners in the Tower, the queen and seven men.

Who were these prisoners? Find out more in my talk:

There are lots and lots of Tudor history videos on my Anne Boleyn Files and Tudor Society YouTube channel, so please do consider subscribing – click here. I add new content on a daily basis. If you prefer audio, then my talks are also available as podcasts on Podbean or your usual podcast app. And, if you prefer reading, then this website has thousands of articles, including one on 5 May 1536.

And today’s normal “on this day” video is about a religious radical who couldn’t be executed for heresy, so was executed for treason instead. Why? Find out in my talk:

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