Lovely news to share – I’m a Fellow!

I’ve received some absolutely wonderful news today, which has quite literally had me jumping up and down in excitement, or bursting into tears of joy.

I received an email this morning from the Royal Historical Society informing me that I’ve been elected as a Fellow of the Society in recognition of my “contribution to historical scholarship”. This means so much to me. I am so honoured and so very happy. The Royal Historical Society, if you don’t know, do wonderful work in supporting historians and promoting historical scholarship – see

A huge thank you to the Royal Historical Society and their members, those historians and authors who have supported me on my historical journey, and you lords and ladies for allowing me to share my work with you and for always giving me such valuable feedback. It really means the world to me and I appreciate you all.

Thank you!

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12 thoughts on “Lovely news to share – I’m a Fellow!”
  1. Well deserved! Congratulations Claire – you have every reason to be very chuffed. Hope you stay up on the cloud for a long time, it’s your rightful place. Jx

  2. That. Is. AMAZING! Having followed your work for years I can state without reserve that you absolutely deserve it. Congratulations!

  3. Picked this up today on Twitter. Very many Congratulations Your Majesty. Very well deserved. Super. Great to hear.

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