Jane Seymour
Jane Seymour

What a busy week it’s been here at The Anne Boleyn Files with all of the Halloween orders flooding in and all your wonderful comments on the Mark Smeaton articles.

Here’s a round up of what’s been going on this week and some Tudor news:-

  • Jane Seymour – Tomorrow is the 472nd anniversary of Jane Seymour’s death. Jane was Henry VIII’s third wife, the one whom Henry called his “true wife”, and she died on 24th October 1537 less than 2 weeks after giving birth to a baby boy, the future Edward VI of England. You can read more about Jane Seymour in a post I wrote back in May – Jane Seymour, on our Six Wives page and you can also watch a Jane Seymour video in our Educational videos section. If you’re really interested in Jane Seymour then you may want to read Elizabeth Norton’s biography of Jane which is one of our previous Books of the Month – click here to read my review.
  • Mark Smeaton – This week, I have been taking a look at Mark Smeaton, the man who confessed to adultery with Anne Boleyn and the man who Mary I suggested could have been Elizabeth I’s father – what slander! I have written three articles on Mark – Mark Smeaton Part 1 – a look at who exactly Mark was, Part 2 – about his role in Anne Boleyn’s fall and what happened to him, and Part 3 – an examination of theories on why Mark did not retract his confession and actually claimed to be guilty on the scaffold. Interesting stuff!
  • Halloween – Halloween is only just over a week away now and we’re running a special Anne Boleyn Files competition. See Halloween Competition post for details. Every entrant gets a 10% discount coupon for our jewelry and the winner gets the coupon and a signed book!

  • Anne Boleyn Christmas Headdress
    Anne Boleyn Christmas Headdress

    Christmas – It’s sad to admit that I have actually been humming Christmas carols this week! Yes, far too early but it is time to start preparing for Christmas. We’re now offering gift wrap on the majority of our jewelry (suitable for Christmas and other occasions) and we’ve got a special Christmas page with just a few gift ideas to inspire you.

  • New headdress – Daniela is busy designing some wonderful headdresses just perfect for Christmas parties and balls, and we’ve just launched the Anne Boleyn Christmas Headdress on our “The Tudors Headdresses” page. It is available by itself or in a set with replicas of the earrings, ring and necklace that Natalie Dormer wears with it in the Christmas episode. We’ve also launched the Elizabeth I Locket Ring and Necklace over at the Elizabeth Files and on here.
  • Facebook Fan Page – I’ve finally got round to starting The Anne Boleyn Files fan page on Facebook. Just type in Anne Boleyn Files in the search box on FB or click here.
  • BBC History Magazine Quiz – Think you’re an expert on history? Test your knowledge by doing the BBC History Magazine weekly quiz.
  • Only 6 rooms left on The Anne Boleyn Experience 2010 tour now!
  • November Book for The Anne Boleyn Files Book Club – Thanks to everyone who voted in the forum! The November book is “The Lady in the Tower” by Alison Weir so get reading it and keep your eye on the forum.

So, what have I got planned for next week?

Well, author, historian and tour guest speaker Dr Josephine Wilkinson will be answering my questions on Anne Boleyn in a special post at the beginning of the week and then I will be taking a look at another victim of Cromwell’s coup against Anne and the Boleyn faction. Don’t miss it!

Thanks again for all your comments on articles, your posts in the forum, your orders and your general support, I really appreciate it.

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6 thoughts on “Friday Round Up”
  1. Hi Matterhorn,
    Tracy Borman writes of how Mary often remarked in private that Elizabeth “had the face and countenance of Mark Smeaton” and writes of how Mary mat well have doubted Elizabeth’s legitimacy (P165), but I rather think that this might have just been Mary being malicious because Elizabeth bore many similarities to Henry VIII in both appearance and character.

  2. Jane (Ioanna) Seymour.With her famous “IHS” Badge emblazoned on her dress below her breast. IHS is a greek word meaning God. The word IHS was engraved into plates too at the time during the Tudor era.The Tudors were very religious people.Jane Seymour was the third wife of King Henry VIII of England.Jane was also the future King Edward VI’s mother. 🙂

  3. Hi Again Claire,
    I’m curious about the sketch portrait you have of Jane Seymour for this post… where did you find it? Is there a larger version somewhere?
    I ask because I’ve been getting all creative lately and I’ve begun sketching the six wives (from their most famous portraits). I have done Anne and Jane… so far. Jane’s portrait is SO intricate due to all her jewels and fabric designs and I was looking for any other interpretations…

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