Today was the last full day of the tour and John, Tim and I started it off with a wonderful post breakfast walk through the gardens and down to Hever Lake – a great way to start the day.
Hampton Court Palace
After breakfast, we were whisked off to Hampton Court Palace where we enjoyed seeing the wine fountain, the Tudor kitchens, the Great Hall, the Haunted Gallery (we missed Catherine Howard’s ghost unfortunately), the Chapel Royal, the amazing tapestries and the beautiful gardens.
I loved spotting the intertwined H and A ciphers which could still be found on ceilings and in panels – see Henry, you didn’t obliterate Anne Boleyn’s memory completely! Another highlight for me was getting a close look at the Family of Henry VIII portrait and realising that Elizabeth really is wearing an A necklace – good girl!
The Tomb of Thomas Boleyn
As we arrived back at Hever village, I thought it would be good for us to visit St Peter’s Church, which is just outside Hever Castle. I wanted to pay my respects to Thomas Boleyn’s tomb and also see his brass rubbing. A few of us went to the church and were really pleased that we’d made the effort. Despite what you think of the man, he was Anne’s father and the church was the Boleyn family’s church.
Costumer Talk
Costumer and re-enactor Bess Chilver joined us for our final meal and then gave a talk on costume during the 16th century, including what ladies wore under their gowns! She then picked Julissa and Michelle to dress up as Tudor ladies and we were allowed to go into the main castle for some photos – an amazing experience and a wonderful surprise. We all agreed that Julissa, with her olive skin, dark hair and eyes, looked exactly like how we imagined Anne to be and Michelle was a great Mary Boleyn with her English Rose looks – don’t they look fabulous?!
I’m writing this at just after 1am after an incredible day, a wonderful tour and a lovely time chatting to people this evening. We have had a blast, a fantastic time and I think each of us will have very special memories of this trip.
Julissa and Michelle look great! Ahhh, I want to dress up as Anne!
Julissa and Michelle do look like the Boleyn sisters. What a great experience, getting all dressed up in Tudor dress.
Last night was a lot of fun. Thankyou for asking me to come and give the talk.
If you do this again, I’m very happy to return.
Your experiende just seems to be getting better and better! Love the costumes – and I’m extra pleased to hear from someone who’s seen the Tudor Family Portrait in the flesh that Elizabeth really did where her mothers neckless, that it wasn’t just a myth!
Thank you so much for sharing the pics and your experience! I love the costumes! 🙂
You all had such a splendid time, and both Julissa and Michelle look beautiful. Thanks again for sharing the experience with us, and here’s hoping that one day I’ll get to join you.
I visited Hampton Court Palace in March and it indeed was worth it! I kept thinking that Anne lived some beautiful and glorious moments there.. I see that you had fun, too, on day 4! I wish I could have benn there!
I was there that same day! And the day before I was in the Tower.
I did see some flowers on the monument where Anne and others were executed…. It was really emotional…
The costumes are so beautiful! I wish I could be there! I would love to dress myself with those dresses and listen what Bess said about the 16th century costumes. I still curious to know what exactly ladies wore under their gowns…
Thank you Claire for sharing with us all this wonderful experience of yours!
The Tudor costumes made both Michelle and Julissa look so different! It was like being in a time warp back 500 years. Amazing!
Sounds like a great experience! I’m so proud of Elizabeth for wearing that necklace! I believe she always took pride in who she was despite her mother’s ruined reputation. I love the costumes too!
The pictures looks great..what a wonderful experience! What an envious life Anne lived! Lucky gal Julissa, looks just like a Tudor.
When I went to Hampton Court last summer, I was amazed too to see that Elizabeth actually did wear the “A” neckalce. So amazed, that I was getting as close to the painting as the rope would allow. Lol. And then the security man told me off for taking a photo…
I’m so jealous that you get to see that Chapel. It was a sunday that I went, so it was closed 🙁
Are these tours expensive?