Anne Boleyn book, movie and documentary recommendations

Thank you so much to those of you who participated in the Anne Boleyn Files recent survey on Anne Boleyn books, movies and documentaries, I really appreciate your feedback.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, let me explain. Just over a month ago, I asked Anne Boleyn Files followers to share their recommendations for books, TV series and movies on Anne Boleyn. It’s always good to hear what others have found useful and enjoyed, especially if you’ve just become interested in Anne Boleyn.

So, without further ado, here’s a list compiled from the answers to the survey. I’ve added in links to (just click on the title), but you can also find these books on the other Amazon sites and through other book retailers.

Anne Boleyn non-fiction book recommendations

Biographies and non-fiction books related to Anne Boleyn:

Anne Boleyn fiction recommendations

Anne Boleyn novels or fiction featuring Anne Boleyn:

Documentaries on Anne Boleyn or Henry VIII’s six wives

Movies and TV series that Anne Boleyn Files followers feel depict Anne Boleyn the best

Have we missed your favourites? Do share your recommendations in the comments below.

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