3rd May 1536 – Archbishop Cranmer Writes a Letter and Weston is Implicated

Portrait of a man thought to be Sir Francis Weston

3rd May 1536 was not a good day for Sir Francis Weston, gentleman of the privy chamber, talented lute player and sportsman. It was on this day in 1536 that he was implicated by the Queen’s own words in the Tower. Poor man! He was arrested the next day.

Also, on this day, a very shocked Archbishop Thomas Cranmer wrote to Henry VIII after hearing news of the Queen’s arrest.

See 3rd May 1536 – Cranmer’s Letter and Anne Boleyn Implicates Weston for more details.

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2 thoughts on “3rd May 1536 – Archbishop Cranmer Writes a Letter and Weston is Implicated”
  1. Henry VIII understood the art of courtly love as well as anyone. Perhaps with Weston’s comment he went further than he should have done, but it could very easily be explained within the atmosphere of the court. And yet Henry expected us to believe that because of this gallant, meaningless comment he thought Weston was guilty of adultery with Anne. Mmmm

    1. I agree, Louise.

      Looking back when Henry was courting Anne, he demanded his Privy Chamber, friends, courtiers, etc to “court” her as well. If they didn’t they would lose favor with the King. I’m sure comments like Weston made were made by many others as well – as it was expected.

      I think when Anne was in the Tower, she found the whole thing so absurd that she was searching for what could have possibly been misconstrued – such as the Weston comment. To think that courtly flirtations could get anyone murdered is testimony to the times – 3 years earlier it was expected, but in 1536, when Anne was no longer favored and Henry had his eye on Jane, it was fuel for Cromwell’s fire.

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