Henry VIII and Francis I manuscriptOn this day in history, 29th October 1532, according to Wynkyn de Word, King Henry VIII accompanied his French counterpart, King Francis I, to Morgison, situated seven miles outside of Calais, and bid farewell to him there. Francis I then carried on to Paris.

The two kings had spent four days together in English-held Calais and four days together at the French court in Calais, but now it was time for these ‘beloved brothers’ to part and get on with ruling their kingdoms.

As Clare Cherry and I explained in our book George Boleyn: Tudor Poet, Courtier and Diplomat “Ostensibly the meeting was to discuss the defence of Christendom against the Turks, but in reality it was to discuss the steps necessary to bring about the marriage of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, and to enlist the King of France’s active support.” Francis I was sympathetic to the couple’s plight and promised his support if England needed help against Catherine of Aragon’s nephew, Emperor Charles V.

You can read more about Henry VIII and Francis I’s farewell on this day in 1532 in my article 29 October 1532 – Henry VIII says Goodbye to Francis I and here is a timeline of the 1532 trip to Calais with links to articles and videos where relevant:

  • Friday 11 October 1532 – Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn set sail from Dover on The Swallow at Dawn and arrive at Calais at 10 o’clock in the morning.
  • Wednesday 16 October 1532 – While Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII are lodged in Calais, the Duke of Norfolk, Earl of Derby and a group of gentleman meet with Anne, duc de Montmorency, “the great mayster of Fraunce”, and his men at the English Pale, six miles outside of Calais.
  • Monday 21 October 1532 – Henry VIII leaves Anne Boleyn in Calais to spend four days with Francis I, “his beloved brother”, at the French court in Boulogne. Click here for more.
  • Friday 25 October 1532 – Henry VIII and Francis I arrive in Calais, and Henry VIII plays host. Click here for more.
  • 27 October – Anne Boleyn makes her entrance in a lavish masque – See https://youtu.be/JDGwNNM6G_E or click here for article.

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