Waiting In The Tower: The Diary of Anne Boleyn by Kaisa Kärmik, aged 13

Wednesday, May 3

The Lord has punished me. I have been arrested and taken to the Tower. I swear to God that I haven’t done anything against the law or anything for what I should be here.

Oh, my poor child, my poor girl, she is only three years old and has to withstand that Catherine’s daughter Mary. And now His Majesty The King loves her more than my sweetheart Elizabeth. How he can listen to what those traitors say to him!

I heard that they arrested George and his chamber is quite close to mine. And that is true, I heard his crying, oh it’s my fault.

Saturday, May 6

Today I sent my last letter to His Majesty.

“I can’t understand why I have been imprisoned in The Tower? But if I have done something wrong, then don’t you remember the passion and love that we had. Don’t you remeber, how we first met…

With all my respect for you, I beg of you not to listen what people like Lady Rochford are telling in the court because they have also betrayed you and talked behind your back. And do not let my enemies to decide over my fortune.

But if you, King Henry VIII, have already made your decision and my fate is to die, then I really wish that God will forgive you.

Your loving servant,

Anne Boleyn”

Monday, May 15

I had my courtcase here in The Tower. The guards came for me in the morning when the Sun had already risen. We walked along a dark, long corridor. Some courtiers were watching quietly. Finally I saw a large door. It was covered with golden figures and detailed scenes. When I walked to the session hall, I saw my own uncle Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk. And in the corner there was that liar Lady Rochford who informed me. I didn’t have much time to talk and defend myself, and I didn’t need it. Because I knew that God had forgiven me.

I am going to die on the 19th of May. The executioner is from Calais. I heard he’s good and he has chopped off many people’s heads. And of course I have a little neck.

Wednesday, May 17

My dear brother George Boleyn is dead. He was executed in the morning on the Mound of The Tower. When I saw him saying his last words, my heart screamed of anger, despair, sadness and guilt. Because I asked him to save my marriage with the King and I was the one who betrayed the Boleyns’ family. But at the same time all of this is my father’s doing. With his ambition and selfishness he killed his son and all his family.

Friday, May 19

This is my, Anne Boleyn’s last writing. I don’t know, should I laugh or cry. I wish that His Majesty and my daughter will forgive me. And if somebody should ever read this diary I beg to judge me kindly.

Oh Lord have mercy on me, to God I commend my soul…

May 21

When I, Margaret Wyatt found this diary and read the last words of it, I knew that exactly I have to end the diary. And I want to write here her final speech. In memory of Anne.

“I have come here to die. But I will die in peace because in God’s eyes I have redeemed my sins and I beg you to do the same. And I know, people who have been the most loyal to me, will pray for me until death and I am grateful.

With this I will finish. Because everyone has comings and goings.”

Those were the last words of Anne Boleyn – The Most Happy.