Anne Boleyn – A Poem

Here is a beautiful poem by Anne Boleyn Files visitor, AG Foucault Wickman:-

Anne Boleyn

She was called a Lady,
a mistress and a wh*re.
A woman who sold her soul to the devil,
and knocked a virtuous Queen from her throne.

Unforgotten is what she is,
that courageous and beautiful girl.
Transformed by the denial of her true love,
and being sent away from court.

She flirted with the King,
gave him the reason he needed
To divorce the Spanish born Princess,
and to break from Rome.

Unforgotten is what she is,
that courageous and beautiful girl.
Trapped in a male dominiated world,
her self worth greater than any of her birth.

She refused to conform,
unwilling and unyielding stubbornness lay within.
A great strength and dertmination,
she made the mistake of promising too much.

Unforgotten is what she is,
that courageous and beautiful girl.
Known forever to this world,
as Anne Boleyn.

She lost her life,
though she left behind.
A legacy that would never die,
but forever live on.

By AG Foucault Wickman