It wouldn’t be quite right to say that I’m incredibly humbled by this – or perhaps I was but it didn’t last long – because here I am bragging about it and exploding with happiness and pride.


Because Lil from the Lil’s Vintage World YouTube channel, a book reviewer, has chosen my book The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown as her second favourite book of 2017 (that she read in 2017, not that was published then), and her favourite non-fiction book, and she reviewed lots.

I’m over the moon because Lil really ‘got’ what I was trying to do with my book and that’s a lovely feeling for an author. It’s given me the motivation to get on with all of those started book projects and get them completed this year. I started work on The Fall of Catherine Howard: A Countdown quite a few years ago now and I’ve promised myself that it will get finished this year – please hold me to this, keep at me!

A big thank you to Lil for taking the time to read and review my book and for her wonderful words, they mean so much. And an even bigger thank you to you lords and ladies because I wouldn’t even have published a book in the first place if it wasn’t for your ongoing support, encouragement and feedback (good and bad!).

Here’s the section on my book:

And here it is from the start so that you can hear all about Lil’s favourites:

If you haven’t read my book then it’s available on kindle and as a paperback. Here’s a link to find it on your country’s Amazon site, but it’s usually available from the Book Depository (free worldwide shipping) too –

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