On this day in history, Sunday 1st September 1532, at Windsor Castle, Henry VIII fitted Anne Boleyn for the European stage by making her Marquis of Pembroke. The patent of nobility conferred this title on Anne in her own right, and on any subsequent offspring, and she was also granted lands worth £1000 per annum.

Anne Boleyn was now more than a former lady-in-waiting, she was a Marquis, and it was as Marquis and prospective Queen that she accompanied Henry VIII on a visit to France a month later. This visit introduced Anne to Europe as Henry VIII’s partner and ended with the consummation of their relationship, and possibly a secret marriage on St Erkenwald’s Day in November.

You can read the details of the ceremony at Windsor on the 1st September 1532 in my article “Anne Boleyn Becomes Marquis of Pembroke”. This was a big day for Anne.

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