The Fascination with Anne Boleyn – Why?

Those of you who have read my books and who have been following this website for a while will know that The Anne Boleyn Files started after a vivid dream I experienced in early 2009. It was about Anne Boleyn’s execution and although I have no memory of what Anne looked like or what she said, I remember the swordsman swinging the sword and my feelings of horror and helplessness. Those feelings were so real and I was incredibly upset when I woke up. I knew that I had to start this site and spend my time researching Anne’s life and spreading the truth about her story. It was my mission.

Now, as I have said before, I don’t believe that the dream was anything to do with past lives, I believe it was simply a dream. At that time, I was a freelance writer writing articles, books and content for websites, and although I really enjoyed my writing I was a bit lost. I wasn’t fulfilled. I think my dream was simply a re-awakening of my passion for history and a way of my brain, or God (as I believe), telling me that there was a way that I could combine my passions and be fulfilled. I now spend all of my working day researching and writing, and I love it. I am fascinated by Anne Boleyn, the Boleyn family and Tudor history, and I feel truly blessed to be able to do what I do and to have a supportive family and online community.

When did my fascination with Anne begin?

I don’t know. I can’t give you a date – sorry! I know that I have loved the Tudor period since I did a project when I was 11, and I loved revisiting it at school and then when I studied the Reformation at university, but I can’t say exactly when Anne began to captivate me. I had always considered her to be the most interesting of Henry’s wives but I don’t think it was until that dream that she really grabbed me and took over my life, in a way. Now, it’s not just Anne who fascinates me, it’s her whole family and I have very strong feelings about how they have been misrepresented, in my opinion, in fiction and non-fiction, but that’s another story.

Why am I writing this, when so many of you know my story?

Well, I want to know your story. I want to know why you visit this site, when you became fascinated with Anne Boleyn and Tudor history, how fascinated you are and why, and why you think Anne and her story appeal to so many people. Please do share in the comments section below because I’d love to know. In February 2009 I really did think that this blog would be just me writing for myself as a record of my research, and I love that it has become such a community. So now I want to hear your thoughts and your story. Please share and don’t be shy!

P.S. Apologies for my absence here and on The Anne Boleyn Fellowship recently, we’ve had friends and family staying. Back to normal now!

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