23 April 1564 – William Shakespeare

Apr23,2014 #William Shakespeare
My photo of Shakespeare's Birthplace
My photo of Shakespeare’s Birthplace

Happy 450th Birthday to William Shakespeare!

Although it is not actually known which day in 1564 William Shakespeare was born, his birth is celebrated on 23rd April because he was baptised on 26th April and baptism usually took place around three days after birth. It is also St George’s Day, St George being the patron saint of England, so it seems a fitting day to pay tribute to the Bard. William Shakespeare also died on this day in 1616. He was buried at the Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon

You can read more about William Shakespeare in my article over at The Elizabeth Files – click here. But I’d like to celebrate Shakespeare’s life by sharing this video of Sonnet 116 being performed first in ‘Received Pronunciation’ and then in ‘Original Pronunciation’, the way it would have been read in Shakespeare’s lifetime.

If you want to get involved in the Happy Birthday Shakespeare international online event, click here.

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