16 July 1557 – Death of Anne of Cleves

Jul16,2011 #Anne of Cleves

Anne of Cleves engravingOn the 16th July 1557, Henry VIII’s last remaining wife, the 41 year old Anne of Cleves, died at Chelsea Old Manor after a few months of illness. She had outlived not only Henry’s five other wives, but also the King himself and her step-son King Edward VI. She had survived marriage to Henry VIII, which was an achievement seeing as Henry executed wives 2 and 5, and actually came out of the marriage quite well – property, money, friendship with the King and his children… What a shame that she is mostly remembered as “The Flanders Mare”, the ugly one, rather than for her pragmatism, intelligence and warmth!

I have written a number of articles on Henry VIII’s fourth wife, Anne of Cleves, so do read more about her. I’d particularly recommend “Anne of Cleves – Flanders Mare?” in which I challenge the many myths about her.

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